
 Residents will undergo blood draws every 3-6 months.

For more information on the updated protocol for these procedures and why they are needed click the learn more button below.


Blood draws will be performed by a phlebotomist who is trained to draw blood. This blood will be sent to our research lab where our team of lab technicians will process it and use it to study your immune system. Blood samples will tell us how well vaccinations work by measuring levels and quality of antibodies made in response to infections and vaccinations. These samples will also tell us how antibodies work against new variants of the virus and give us more insight into how long lasting immune responses are.



Dry blood spot samples are obtained from participants and sent to to our research lab where our team of lab technicians will study them to understand how well you respond to the vaccine.

This portion of the study has been completed.


Participants were required to spit into a tube (less than one teaspoon needed) every week and drop this tube into the designated study station box. These samples were sent to our research lab and our team of lab technicians studied them to identify whether the participants had been infected by the COVID virus and by what specific strain, or variant of concern. This was a non-invasive and reliable method to test for a COVID-19 infection.

This portion of the study has been completed.

If you have any questions regarding the study, please contact your research coordinator from your participating homes. You can also find more information on the study at the study station of participating homes.